How to galvanize your staff
In a difficult economic context, most managers refuse to lead without thinking about aspects related to the motivation of their employees. Aware of the fact that an employee who is motivated at work exhibits a behavior and a very beneficial activity for the company, business leaders are called upon to find new means to attract, mobilize and keep their staff. As Richard Branson puts it, "Nothing is more fundamental to the success or failure of a business than the motivation of its employees."
Indeed, employee motivation is a determining factor in increasing employee productivity. It is a key element of business success. However, numerous surveys have shown that the malaise, stress, lack of recognition, inappropriate working conditions, uninteresting objectives or even the lack of communication experienced by certain employees within companies, can have a strong negative influence on their level of motivation. All the more so since each person has their own motivation system. But how to prevent the company from becoming a framework of demotivation? On this question, research in Human Resources is edifying in more than one way. A priori, it is the manager's responsibility to make his business viable. He must adapt his language, modify his management style if necessary, but also improve his communication. It can therefore rely on the main sources of motivation at work. Especially :
- Compensation
It is a classic lever and an indisputable motivator. However, it needs to have a real lasting impact on employee motivation, yet compensation is not the only thing that can motivate an employee.
- Culture and the business plan
It is really one of the elements that will allow the employee to invest and especially to last in the company. Being interested in the different projects allows you to give your all!
- Work conditions
For example, enjoying a certain autonomy in everyday life is a source of motivation for the employee. As well as being able to work in beautiful premises or have flexible hours.
- Management and communication
Both of these are very important in the motivation process. Indeed, a manager who communicates allows employees to have a clear vision. Motivating through social dialogue is undeniable! Indeed, the limitation of conflicts and the facilitation of dialogue contribute to the well-being of the employee. The latter will be much more invested and motivated.
- Development of professional skills
The increase in knowledge, for example through tutoring or training, will allow the employee to develop within the company, to be more autonomous but also more efficient.