Many times CAMS has received Curriculum Vitae containing imperfections in its CV database. Yet these seemingly innocuous errors can tarnish the quality of your presentation during a preselection. For a more meaningful CV, and which allows you to stand out in the crowd of applications, during a job search, here are 3 mistakes that you can easily avoid:
- a long list of skills, without classification;
- skills for which the level of mastery is not indicated;
- skills indicated to “do well” but not mastered.
Do not hesitate to create subcategories in your section, for example:
Computer science :
- list of skills related to the post;
- the environments you master;
- generalist (such as Microsoft Office) and specialized (accounting, sales administration, etc.) software;
- notions of graphics, computer languages, knowledge of content publication platforms, social networks… if you have any.
Languages :
For this component you must be able to give details on the level of mastery of the languages you speak. It is advisable to provide information taking into account the following indications:
- read, write, speak: you understand and use the language without difficulty, both written and spoken.
- fluent: you understand all conversations and you can participate in them with ease, even if certain subtleties or familiarities escape you;
- bilingual: you speak perfectly in both official languages.
Once these tips are put into practice, your CV will have the advantage of presenting you better to a recruiter, or even to stand out during a preselection.