Looking for a job or on standby, you want to contact the Amazon recruitment manager or the HR department of a company of your choice. Never mind ! For that, you still need to have your email address! We found a trick for that.
emailhunter.co website allows you to find all the email structures of a company and even offers you contacts. Either you find in the suggestions, the people who interest you. Or, from the structure of the email and the first and last name you have, you can find the corresponding email address. For example, last name + first name @….com
More concretely, by going to the site, from the search bar, you enter the name of the company you are looking for or its website, and presto, you will have your answer.
So all you have to do is start making contacts!
This tip can be very useful when you want to exploit and develop your professional network. A good hearer!
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